"It's interesting sometimes, how things come together in life.
People grow, people change. Circumstances lead you up to moments and experiences you might have never expected. Well Maybe Kiyoki expected, but Kiyoki's sometimes have a funny way of working things out. Other Kiyoki's are sometimes shy, or doubtful even though every Kiyoki knows when its in trouble."

 Never doubt them or you'll fumble,
 just make sure your Kiyoki's Humble.

"So here it goes, the countdown has officially begun! Are you aware we are about leave all that is negative behind! All the troubles in the past & all the Glory to the future!
Many people may not be aware of just how incredibly great this time of the year really is. I mean have you really sat down and thought about it? This time a year ago, who were you? Where were you? WHAT were you? It's incredible that in such a small span of time you could sometimes find yourself staring in a mirror and asking yourself, who are you? What's more scary is when sometimes by the time you wake up & see reality for what it is, you may look back and say.. Why?  why didn't it? Why did I? How could I? Should I? ".

 I am blessed & will not say.
but my Kiyoki's a Wise one 
5 times beyond my age.
He guides me like a bright one.
Simply in glorious ways, He's always the right one.
Hard headed as it may be, he's still 5 times beyond my age.

"I am lucky, want to know why? Because that kiyoki they speak of above is mine" - grins a devilish smile. " I won't say he is the BEST Kiyoki in the world but it's mine and it works! You just really have to learn to listen to them"- puts hand out kiyoki jumps on hand crawls up shoulder ::whispers echo in my head::." Those are the whispers that tell me PUSH ON. The ones that let me know that I am strong. The ones that give me the strength to move on and know that I will go in life as far as I let myself go. I can only do what I let myself do. 
So why would you ever not let yourself do something? Sounds kinda Silly doesn't it?  But if you want to work out, why not diet? If you want to be rich why not work hard & study hard and make something of yourself? If you want to Travel, then do it! It all comes with great responsibility as they say this ""freedom"" we have but it's a double edge sword don't get stuck in the gutter and & go down. Push out & listen to your Kiyoki's Mouth! "

"So for this New Decade that's coming promise yourself you will give it your ALL or nothing!
Don't just flaunt it & say it, better to just shut it and show it! "

"...& Remember..."

when you feel you can't sleep & the worlds not so sweet, 
think kiyoki to sleep  & kiyoki will sweep


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